Having a dog can be one of life's most enriching experiences. On the other hand, if your pet is unruly, it can be a nightmare. Not only is an unruly dog less enjoyable, but it also put's that dog at risk of having the label of "Dangerous Dog" in society. A "Dangerous Dog" by legal definition does not mean aggressive, but rather any dog that puts other people and pets in danger while in their presence. This can mean things such as bolting out of an open door, jumping up on people, not coming when called, etc.We have taken note of the lack of training resources available in the area, and we're here to help! Beginning Saturday, January 8th, 2010 We will hold Weekly Training sessions with Trainer and one of the Ruff House Founders: Tarah Harding! This will be a six week course held Every Saturday from 3pm-4pm, immediately following our Puppy Socialization classes.
Tarah will help you learn how to properly train your dog, using positive methods that will not only help transform your pet into a well-behaved enjoyable companion, but also help strengthen the bond you share with your furry friend.Over the course of six weeks, you will learn how to properly teach:
- Recall: getting your dog to come when called- despite distractions
- SitCradle: Getting your dog to settle in a submissive position, and relax calmly
- Down
- Stand
- Bite Inhibition: getting them to stop mouthing and nipping too hard during play or any inappropriate timesSit-down-stand-down-sit: Getting your dog to perform sit, down, and stand from all starting positions.Take It
- Leave It
- Watch
- Stay (from a sit and down)Heel: Proper walking both on and off leash
- Word RecognitionNo Jump
- Quiet (No Bark)Handling: Letting you handle paws, ears, mouths, fur, etc. for grooming/ examining.
Sequoia demonstrates a proper "leave it" despite lots of temptation! What a good girl. The leave it command not only makes for super cute pictures, but it can even be a life-saving command if your dog is near something harmful or dangerous.
Here's Zola, showing everyone how to Down-Stay. What a good girl.
Beyond just behavior training, some tricks are just plain cute, as Mendo demonstrates "Shake" or "Paw" with Tarah.
Availability is limited, as we will be keeping classes small to give the best personal attention possible. Please call us today if you'd like to take part in these training classes.
As always, we strongly encourage those with young pups to take part in our Puppy Socialization every Saturday from 12pm-3pm. (just $5) If you wish to participate in the Training Classes, we especially encourage some playtime before hand to help your dog focus, focus, focus!