This week we had a fun little crew. All the dogs had so much energy, and they all needed a little Tarah time, which I always love to give.
Blue, the Aussie Mix was our little mother of the pack. She lives up to her role watching the dogs and making sure they behave. Her pup, Oscar, and her came to stay for the weekend. RUFF House lit up with their friendly spirits! Look at her cool eyes!
Blue, being the mother and all wasn't amused by their childish behavior, the look in her eye seems to say, "If only they understood how silly they look begging for your attention, all they have to do is look cute like I am doing here and they'll get it much easier."
Blue, sure is a good mom looking after her little Oscar guy. His name is Oscar because he was conceived the night of the creative!
Blue, thanks for looking after everyone your a good girl. "What you talking to me? Let me turn my head so I can hear you better...Oh, yea I agree I am a really good girl."
"What about me, What about me....I may be small but don't forget to tell me I'm a good boy too."
Sorry Dusty, you are a very good boy. You like to sleep a lot and you play with your raggedy old toys which is definitely darling.
Tug-O-War.....the best game ever! The puppies sure do love a good threesome. That did use to be a soft squishy ball. Thank you Kung Fu, Deuce, & Mattie Mae for destroying our toys.
Sekoya, such a good girl waiting for a little game of catch......hey Sekoya, catch the ball!
Oh yea! Good girl. Now show Deuce how to catch!
All right Deuce, your turn!
Shoot, maybe next time......OH, that hit him in the head for sure!
"Hey I want to try, let me try, I bet I can catch it come on, come on......
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