Dog Food We Offer

For more information on the different brands of food check out the links to the right below "Our Friends" Some food is by special order only. Call for Details.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fur Smiles...

'Rex' sitting tall and regal. What a great pose and smile.

'Champ' more relaxed and comfy (my style) but a great camera shot anyhoo.

'Lucky Dog' being a doggie obstacle for little 'Jazz' to leap over.....boing!

...need we say anything else about this smile on 'Diesel'

'Zeus' doing his best to add to the blog..."good boy Zeus"

Watch the video....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We Love Pits!!

'Leo' and 'Tank' are two examples of how lovely pit bulls can be. These guys want nothing more than to slobber all over you. We don't discriminate against any breeds at Ruff House. If your dog passes our temperament interview they are more than welcome to play with the clan. Both Leo and Tank brought huge smiles to our faces this weekend.

Our newest employee 'Jon' is helping us love the dogs, they seem to be loving him right back.

'Shade' lounging on the couch taking a break for a little bit. She has a sore back leg and when she needs to she will take a rest.
What a good girl.

Hi 'Leo' thank you for your HUGE cute is that.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We Love Each Other!!

Yes, it is true these dogs do really love each other...and they have some similarities as well.
Bear & Bella-super playful, regular daycare kids, fully loved by all the staff, gold.

Greta & Lacey-smiley, large eyes, females, peacemakers...unless they want their own toy.

Lucy & Sekoya-loves fetch, barking, Tarah, slobbering, and protecting Ruff House

Dusty & Zohar- hairy, they talk to the camera, likes to rest in the afternoons, always up for a good petting session.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Corgi Fun ;-)

How could you not LOVE the short-legged breeds.... Just look at how much fun they are. Either all alone they find entertainment...
...or with pals (Bear, open your eyes...its not scary)
Bella is Grissoms bestest friend, but every now and then little Bella with share the love...

Poor Champ feels left out of the fun...
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