Thank you everyone for attending the puppy social. It was so much fun to play with all the furry babies. We want to thank Lynne for snapping all the photos during the play session. Everyone got so caught up playing with the pups that we almost forgot to take pictures of the fun.
We felt the social was so great that we are going to start puppy training classes in March. Keep up on Ruff House News for more updates. We couldn't do it without all your support, all our customers and furry pals make Ruff House what it is. We love and appreciate you all so so much.
We love when we get young children interested in playing with the pups. They really enjoy all the activity as much as the dogs and they keep it youthful and lively.

Here is little 'Jayke' and Aryelle. He is a terrier mix. He was shy at first and hid under the couch. Once he noticed all the fun he was missing out on, he quickly joined in. Socializing dogs is so wonderful. In just two hours we were able to help Jayke become more confident when around other dogs.
'Aspen' yes, those are brown spots on this dalmatian. She is a bundle of energy. She has the face of an otter with those little white whiskers.
'Zola' a rottweiler is a gem to have playing daily at the Ruff House. She is a large breed and it is soo important to make sure these little dogs get a lot of socialization in before they are big and too hard to handle when around other dogs. She is wonderful.
Heather gets the attention of a group of pups for a little treat time. Amazing how they learn so quickly what is expected of them.
On the couch, on our laps, these guys where bouncing off the walls. It was so fun to watch them play together. We know most of you don't allow your pets on the furniture at home, we don't either but this is Ruff House...the dogs own this place. cute! 'Zola' and 'Max'
We felt the social was so great that we are going to start puppy training classes in March. Keep up on Ruff House News for more updates. We couldn't do it without all your support, all our customers and furry pals make Ruff House what it is. We love and appreciate you all so so much.
Here is little 'Jayke' and Aryelle. He is a terrier mix. He was shy at first and hid under the couch. Once he noticed all the fun he was missing out on, he quickly joined in. Socializing dogs is so wonderful. In just two hours we were able to help Jayke become more confident when around other dogs. cute! 'Zola' and 'Max'